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DML Revolutionizes Multi-Task Learning with Proven Effectiveness and Real-World Deployment

DATE POSTED:January 23, 2025
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Abstract and 1 Introduction

  1. Methodology
  2. Experiments
  3. Conclusion and References

In this paper, we propose the framework of Deep Mutual Learning across task towers(DML), which is compatible with various backbone multi-task networks. Extensive offline experiments help to verify DML’s effectiveness on multiple real-world datasets and across various base models. Moreover, thorough ablation studies are carried out to verify and understand the value of each newly introduced module. Finally, DML achieves significant online gains and has already been deployed to the online platform.


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:::info Authors:

(1) Yi Ren, Tencent, Beijing, China ([email protected]);

(2) Ying Du, Tencent, Beijing, China ([email protected]);

(3) Bin Wang, Tencent, Beijing, China ([email protected]);

(4) Shenzheng Zhang, Tencent, Beijing, China ([email protected]).


:::info This paper is available on arxiv under CC BY 4.0 DEED license.

