There are multiple crypto exchange (Coin Swap) services that help you covert cryptocurrencies. Most of these services are non-custodial and do not require signup. Using these services, you can convert bitcoin or altcoins. In addition, some of these services also offer to buy and sell cryptocurrencies using fiat. Let’s dive in.
How does Coin Swap work?Let’s say you want to convert 1 BTC to ETh. Here is an overview of the exchange process step by step.
ChangeNow is one of the most reliable crypto exchange services. It doesn’t require any signup and doesn’t impose a maximum limit.
In addition, you can also buy cryptocurrencies using your Master or Visa card with ChangeNow.
The team has built multiple products around coin conversion. Such as NowPayments helps you accept payment in any cryptocurrencies and convert in the currency of your choice instantly.
ChangeNow features:ShealthEX is a user-friendly crypto exchange that is operating since October 2018.The platform offers various features such as instant transactions, no limits, floated and fixed exchange rates, etc. In addition to this, the platform has been operating in the cryptocurrency exchange market since October 2018 and supports over 350+ cryptocurrencies.
ShealthEX FeaturesShapeShift is one of the oldest crypto exchange service. The company was founded in 2014 by Erik Voorhees.
You don’t need to signup for crypto-asset exchange equivalent up to $50K.
In addition, you can sign up and connect your wallets to exchange your crypto on Shapeshift, if you want high-value exchange. ShapeShift also has a Fox token, using which you can avoid fees.
Other than a crypto exchange service, Shapeshift also built other products, such as CoinCap, a crypto market API provider, and Keepkey, a hardware wallet.
ShapeShift features:Changelly is a non-custodial coin swap service that does not require any account creation.
Unlike other coin exchange services, Changelly is transparent about the fee. It charges .25% as an exchange fee and has high exchange limits. However, If you are a developer, you can integrate with Changelly APIs or use its widget to earn money.
Changelly features:Swaplab is a simple crypto exchange service using which you can convert Bitcoin and other altcoins. Like other services, It is a non-custodial and doesn’t require any signup or account creation.
SwapLab features:SimpleSwap supports more than 225 cryptocurrencies. It’s a non-custodial with no signup needed.
In addition, anyone can integrate with SimpleSwap using its APIs and earn a commission for every conversion.
SimpleSwap features:Swapzone is an exchange aggregator working with non-custodial instant cryptocurrency swap services. Currently, the service supports over 300 assets for swaps at best rates and operates through 10+ partnering platforms (for example, Changelly, SimpleSwap, Godex, and ChangeNOW). The aim of the platform is to provide as much information on cryptocurrency swap rates and services as possible, all in one convenient interface.
Swapzone featuresCoinSwitch is a crypto exchange aggregator that shows the best exchange prices by scanning multiple websites. Therefore, you would like to check it out before using the services mentioned above.
In addition, many of these crypto exchange services provide APIs, widgets, affiliate links, and white label solutions. You can earn commission by integrating or advertising these services.
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