With the tagline “better trading, better life,” Bitget stands as one of the leading crypto exchanges. Furthermore, the platform provides various services such as Futures trading, Copy trading, Unified contract, etc. Hence, in this Bitget review, we’ll go through all of its features and do a deep dive into Bitget Copy Trading.
Visit Bitget Summary (TL;DR)Use this link and get a 5 USDT bonus for one month trial period.
What is Bitget?Bitget is one of the top cryptocurrency exchanges for derivatives, spot, utilizing, and copy trading. Furthermore, it is committed to becoming a leading platform and has also acquired licenses from the USA, Canada, Australia, and Singapore. Moreover, you can download the Bitget application on your mobile or desktop devices and do not need to access the website repeatedly.
Bitget Bitget Review: FeaturesBitget mobile app is somewhat similar to the web app and provides almost all of the platform’s features. So keeping it handy, you can surely opt for the mobile app instead, as it is available for both Android and iOS users.
Also, read Staking Crypto – An Ultimate Guide on Earning Passive income.
What is Bitget Copy Trading?The Bitget exchange app provides us with a function known as copy trading. You can select from various professional traders, follow them and synchronize their trading activity with your account to gain profits. Moreover, through copy trading, you don’t have to open and close positions yourself or monitor the market activity 24/7. Instead, you can follow professional traders and let them trade on your behalf.
Before opting for Copy trading, new users should explore the copy-trading page. Copy-trading can benefit as long as the professional trader is experienced and does not rely on luck to win trades. Going through a trader’s profile helps you to understand their most recent and historic trading performance.
Also, read My Experience with Crypto Copy Trading.
How to start Bitget Copy Trading?Quanto Swap Contract is a one-of-a-kind product by Bitget, allowing you to use multiple crypto assets you hold as collateral and trade on margin with multiple trading pairs. The product saves your coin-to-coin exchange fees and can also accumulate the profits earned by an increase in the price of the margin-coin.
Suppose you own BTC and ETH, using both of them as collateral, you can trade on BTCUSD, EOSUSD, and ETHUSD. Furthermore, all of your profits and losses will be calculated and rewarded in BTC and ETH.
Try Quanto Swap Bitget Review: Types of margin modesCross margin: On choosing cross margin, all the available funds in your contract account are used as collateral. Furthermore, it allows you to hedge against any losing positions, as a winning trade can cancel out a losing position.
Isolated margin: Here, all the positions have their different margins, and in the case of liquidations, you only lose the collateral of a particular position.
Use this link and get a 5 USDT bonus for one month trial period.
How to start trading on Bitget?At Bitget, it’s essential to divide between spot buying and selling and contract trading. Concerning the spot buying and selling, both the makers and the takers pay the exact price: 0.20%. This rate is decreased to 0.14% if you pay the trading prices with the exchange’s local token, the Bitget DeFi Token (BFT).
Withdrawal FeesBitget withdrawal fees are percentage-based which is 0.05%. For more details, you can refer to the table below:
If you are getting started with this platform, you will surely like Bitget customer support. The platform provides you with top-notch services 24-hour support for its customers. There is also one-on-one customer support for the key clients and various tutorials available to learn. Moreover, it supports all the language versions, like EN/ CN/ TC/ KR/ JP/ VP.
Bitget Review: Business infoBitget was founded in 2018, Singapore as a crypto derivatives trading platform and now is among the top 5 exchanges by contract trading volume. Furthermore, in 2020 Bitget received investment from Alan capital and SNK, South Korea’s top game company.
Bitget SecurityThe platform has an A+ ranking for 12 SSL indicators and supports multi-signature hot/ cold wallets. In addition, Bitget was ranked among the top 10 exchanges in February 2021 by Cybersecurity Rating. Furthermore, it uses services of four major security vendors: Suntwin Technology, Qingsong Cloud Security, HEAP, and Armors.
Bitget Pros and Cons Bitget Review: ConclusionBitget crypto exchange platform offers low transaction prices, no third parties, copy trading, etc. Furthermore, with your server, you get complete control over your account and exceptional security options. Moreover, the copy trading function of Bitget extraordinarily diminishes the limit of contract exchanges for clients. Simultaneously, traders can utilize copy trading to acquire targeted fans, profit sharing, and asset management funds.
Visit Bitget Frequently Asked Questions How does copy trading work?Bitget copy trading consists of multiple experienced traders with thousands of trading strategies. You can follow these traders according to your need and then copy their actions to earn profit. In addition, you can have a glance at all the transaction details and track the history of the traders to know more insights.
How to change mobile number in Bitget?Visit the Bitget website, log in to your account and click on the person icon.
– Then, go to security settings and click the change phone number column.
– Enter the number you want to update and the verification code for changing the phone number.
Bitget is located in Singapore and was established in 2018. It supports spot trading and futures contracts. Furthermore, the platform is listed on CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko
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