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Vara vs Aptos, Monad, Sui, and Sei: A Technical Deep Dive into Data Parallelism

DATE POSTED:October 4, 2024



After conducting extensive research, it's clear to me how blockchain technology has evolved. Originally developed as the foundation for cryptocurrencies, blockchain has become a highly adaptable platform with applications across various industries such as healthcare, supply chain management, finance, and more. Since its debut with Bitcoin in 2009, the introduction of smart contracts by Ethereum in 2015 was a significant milestone. Smart contracts enable programmable, self-executing agreements and address key limitations including scalability, storage, and interoperability.


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Blockchain Technology Advancements

As blockchain technology became more widely adopted, early networks like Bitcoin and Ethereum began to demonstrate their limitations. These networks struggled to keep up with increasing demand, leading to issues with transaction speed, storage capacity, and inter-network communication. In response to these challenges, a new generation of blockchain projects has emerged, each offering a unique approach to overcome past shortcomings. Networks such as VaraAptosSeiSui, and Monad have been designed to be faster, more scalable, and more interconnected than their predecessors.


At the time of writing, 20th September, 2024. Monad hasn’t launched it mainnet yet, but plan to do so this year.

\ Before we dive into the core of this article, we will compare several next-generation networks, specifically the Vara Network, Sui Network, Sei Network, Monad Network, and Aptos Network. We'll analyze these Layer-1 networks in terms of their TPS (transactions per second), throughput, distinctive features, scalability, and programming languages. Additionally, we'll explore the relationship between these Layer-1 networks and Layer-2 solutions, examining how Layer-2 technologies enhance scalability and performance.

\ However, since there is less publicly available information about Vara Network and its underlying Gear Protocol compared to the mentioned projects, I'll provide a more detailed introduction to both before delving into the technical comparison.


Gear Protocol: A closer look

The Gear Protocol is a big step forward in blockchain technology. It introduces a new way to develop and run smart contracts. At its heart, Gear combines the Actor Model and microservices principles. This allows for the creation of independent, simultaneous programs that communicate through message passing. This approach makes security stronger, simplifies memory management, and sets the stage for a more scalable and adaptable dApp ecosystem. Here are some key core concepts of the Gear Protocol:


  1. Built-in Actors (BIAs): are specialized components within the Gear Protocol that execute specific business logic directly in the runtime. These BIAs allow smart contracts to access advanced blockchain features that typically require significant computational resources by managing core blockchain functions through pallets. By integrating these functions into the runtime, BIAs enhance the efficiency and capabilities of smart contracts using Gear.


  2. Private State and Persistent Memory: Gear provides each program with its own private, isolated state (memory space) as opposed to the shared state model used by traditional blockchain platforms. This design improves security and simplifies memory management. Additionally, the introduction of persistent memory allows programs to maintain their intermediate state between function calls, leading to better computational efficiency and enabling more complex functionalities.


  3. Parallel computations: Gear's isolated per-program memory enables message processing to be parallelized on validator nodes. This greatly improves the network's scalability and allows developers to introduce features that were not possible on serially computed smart contract platforms.


  4. Self-Executing Programs and Continuous Automation: Gear enables programs to act as autonomous agents, allowing them to schedule future actions and execute themselves recursively. This self-executing nature drives innovation and facilitates the construction of complex, efficient, and autonomous dApps.


  5. Gasless Transactions: Gear Protocol enables decentralized application (dApp) developers to allow end-users to interact with decentralized applications without needing the network's native tokens to pay gas fees, enhancing user participation and accessibility.


  6. Signless Transactions: Gear's temporary trusted in-app sessions reduce the need for users to manually sign each transaction, streamlining the user experience and aligning it with expectations set by Web2 applications.


Vara Network

Vara Network operates as a decentralized, standalone, layer-1 blockchain network that allows developers to build and launch Web3.0 applications seamlessly. Powered by the Gear Protocol, it offers high speed and scalability, making it an excellent choice for creating and deploying next-generation Web3.0 decentralized applications (dApps).


Vara Network Features

Let's explore how Vara Network manifests the key concepts of Gear Protocol:


  1. Actor Model and Microservices: Vara Network fully embraces Gear's actor-based architecture, allowing developers to create independent, concurrent programs that communicate via message passing. This implementation enhances scalability and modularity in decentralized applications (dApps) built on Vara.


  2. Built-in Actors (BIAs): Vara incorporates BIAs as specified by Gear Protocol, enabling smart contracts to access advanced blockchain features directly within the runtime. This integration improves efficiency and expands the capabilities of dApps on the network.


  3. Private State and Persistent Memory: In line with Gear's design, Vara provides each program with its own isolated memory space. This feature enhances security and simplifies state management for developers working on the Vara Network.


  4. Parallel Computations: Vara leverages Gear's isolated memory model to enable parallel message processing, significantly boosting the network's throughput and scalability.


  5. Self-Executing Programs and Automation: Vara implements Gear's concept of autonomous agents, allowing programs to schedule and execute future actions independently. This feature enables the creation of sophisticated, self-sustaining dApps on the network.


  6. Gasless Transactions: Vara Network brings Gear's vision of gasless transactions to life, providing developers with tools to create user-friendly apps where end-users can interact without directly paying gas fees.


  7. Signless Transactions: Vara implements Gear's approach to reducing transaction signing, and streamlining user interactions with dApps on the network.


The Relationship Between Gear Protocol and Vara Network


Vara Network is not an extension of Gear Protocol, but rather a live implementation of it. As a blockchain running the current Gear runtime, Vara Network showcases the practical application of Gear Protocol's features in a production environment with it own distintic features.

\ Gear Protocol and Vara Network have a close, interconnected relationship. Think of Gear as the architect who designs an innovative new type of building, complete with blueprints and specifications. Vara, on the other hand, is the actual building constructed based on those designs.

\ Gear provides the underlying technology, concepts, and rules for how a blockchain should work. It's the ideas and the theory. Vara Network takes all of these ideas and puts them into practice. It's a real, functioning blockchain that developers and users can interact with.

\ While Gear Protocol focuses on innovation and conceptual advancement, Vara is dedicated to real-world application and user experience. The distinction lies in this split between theory and practice, Gear pushes the boundaries of what's possible, and Vara makes these possibilities a reality. As Gear continues to evolve with new ideas, Vara implements them, while Vara's challenges help refine Gear’s future innovations. This dynamic exchange keeps both advancing in their respective roles, pushing blockchain technology forward.

Exploring the Actor Model and Built-in Actors

To further understand how Vara and Gear Protocol achieve scalability, parallel computation, and high transaction throughput, I believe it’s important to explore the Actor Model and the concept of Built-in Actors (BIAs) since each plays a critical role in enabling the modular, efficient, and autonomous behavior of decentralized applications (dApps) on these platforms,

Actor Model in Vara & Gear

An Actor Model is a mathematical model of concurrent computation that is used extensively in Gear Protocol. In this model, "actors" are the fundamental units of computation, which operate independently and interact by sending and receiving messages. This model facilitates parallel computation and scalability by ensuring that each actor handles its tasks in isolation, preventing conflicts and enhancing the efficiency of the system. As the core architecture for the Vara Network, the Actor Model enables Vara to scale effectively, leveraging the concurrency and parallelism inherent in the model to optimize network performance. The way this model achieves scalability and increases TPS is by distributing computational tasks across a network of independent actors.


Where each actor:
  • Processes messages independently: By isolating the state and execution of each actor, the system avoids bottlenecks caused by shared memory or resource contention, allowing multiple tasks to be processed concurrently.


  • Utilizes message-passing for communication: Actors interact via asynchronous message-passing, which is inherently non-blocking. This allows for high levels of concurrency, as actors can continue their operations while waiting for messages from other actors, effectively reducing idle time and maximizing system throughput.


  • Enables parallel processing across cores: In a multi-core processing environment, actors are distributed across available cores, ensuring that all available computational resources are utilized efficiently. This division of labour increases the number of operations that can be handled in parallel, thus boosting the network’s transaction throughput.

\ When these properties of the Actor Model are leveraged, it ensures horizontal scalability as the number of actors (or smart contracts) increases. This allows the system to add more actors without restructuring, maintaining performance even as transaction demand grows.

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I’ve written an in-depth article on the Vara/Gear actor model, you can find the link in the reference for more information.


Built-in Actor in Vara & Gear

The Built-in Actor in the Gear Protocol refers to pre-defined, fundamental components within the blockchain network that handle specific functionalities or services. These actors are integral to the operation of the blockchain and can interact with various programs or smart contracts, enabling them to access and utilize certain functionalities seamlessly.

\ Vara Network has implemented two key Built-in Actors (BIAs) to enhance its functionality: the staking BIA and the BLS12-381 cryptographic suite. The latter is noteworthy for its potential to optimize specific operations. BLS12-381 is available as a feature within the network’s architecture, enabling efficient native runtime calculations for complex cryptographic processes if required by dApps. This innovation tackles a common challenge in blockchain technology: the computational demands of certain cryptographic operations that can overwhelm traditional WebAssembly (Wasm) virtual machines. While BLS12-381 is an optional feature, it provides valuable functionality for developers needing enhanced performance for their applications.

\ By integrating the BLS12-381 BIA, Vara Network has devised a solution that offloads resource-heavy cryptographic tasks from the Wasm VM to a more efficient native runtime environment. This approach allows for the rapid execution of signature aggregation and verification processes. The implementation works by redirecting cryptographic method calls to a dedicated actor address, where the computations are performed off-chain in a native context. This method not only accelerates the processing speed but also substantially reduces the computational burden on the blockchain itself.

\ The benefits of this architectural decision are multifold. It circumvents the need for extensive on-chain calculations that could potentially consume numerous blocks and inflate gas costs. Moreover, it eliminates the necessity for complex algorithmic optimizations that would otherwise be required to partition these operations across multiple blocks. Consequently, the BLS12-381 BIA significantly enhances the overall efficiency of the Vara Network, enabling it to maintain high-performance standards while keeping operational costs in check.

Synergy Between Actor Model and BIAs For Performance

The combination of the Actor Model and Built-in Actors (BIAs) in the Vara Network creates a robust framework that ensures high scalability, increased transaction throughput (TPS), and optimized performance.


  • Distributed workload: The Actor Model ensures that the system's computational workload is distributed across many actors, each operating independently. This modularity reduces the risk of bottlenecks and allows the network to handle increasing numbers of transactions as more actors are added.


  • Efficient resource management: BIAs take on specialized tasks, allowing actors to focus on their core functions. This division of labor ensures that the network’s resources are used efficiently, leading to faster transaction processing and a higher TPS.


Conclusion: How Vara Network Achieves Scalability and Increased TPS

By combining the concurrency and parallelism of the Actor Model with the specialized efficiency of Built-In Actors (BIAs), the Vara Network achieves significant scalability and throughput. The Actor Model allows for distributed, non-blocking computation, while BIAs optimize performance by handling stalking. This synergy ensures that the network can scale horizontally, process more transactions per second, and maintain high-performance standards as it grows.

\ Great! Now that you understand how Vara Network achieves scalability, security, high transaction throughput, and parallel computations, it’s time to compare Vara, Aptos, Sui, Sei, and Monad networks against each other.


Comparison and Performance

It’s no joke how this technological landscape is evolving rapidly, and as we’re about to delve into the world of next-generation blockchains, our journey begins by first comparing Vara, Aptos, and Sui, followed by an examination of Vara alongside Sei and Monad. Through this exploration, we'll uncover the strengths, unique features, and potential limitations of each network, with a particular focus on how Vara's innovative approach stacks up against its competitors.

Comparison Between Vara, Aptos, and Sui

Each of these networks represents a different approach to solving common blockchain challenges such as scalability, security, and ease of use. Vara focuses on developer experience and user-friendly features, Aptos emphasizes security and resource management, while Sui prioritizes high performance and interoperability. Despite their differences, all three aim to push the boundaries of what's possible in blockchain technology.

Summary of Vara, Aptos, and Sui

Vara Network: Vara is an independent layer-1 blockchain built on the Gear Protocol. It's designed to be developer-friendly and efficient, leveraging WebAssembly (Wasm) for smart contracts. Vara uses a Nominated Proof-of-Stake (NPoS) consensus mechanism and offers unique features like gasless and signless transactions. It aims to provide high throughput through parallel computation and simplifies blockchain interaction for both developers and users.

\ Aptos Network: Aptos is a layer-1 blockchain that emerged from Meta's (formerly Facebook's) Libra project. It uses the Move programming language, which was designed with a focus on security and flexible resource management. Aptos employs a hybrid consensus mechanism combining Proof-of-Stake and Byzantine Fault Tolerance. It aims to achieve high transaction throughput and low latency using parallel execution through its Block-STM technology.

\ Sui Network: Sui is another layer-1 blockchain that, like Aptos, uses the Move programming language. However, Sui distinguishes itself with its object-centric data model, which allows for parallel transaction processing. It uses a Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism and focuses on achieving high throughput and low latency. Sui also emphasizes interoperability, with features like the Sui Bridge to connect with other blockchain ecosystems.

\ Technical Features Comparison Table

When we look at the table below, of the blockchain networks, Vara, Aptos, and Sui each bring unique approaches to solving scalability and performance issues. Vara, built on the Gear Protocol, stands out since it provides more complex features and efficient execution.


| Feature | Vara | Aptos | Sui | |----|----|----|----| | High Throughput | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | | Parallelism | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | | Security | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | | Scalability | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | | Cross-Chain Interop | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | | Custom VM | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | | AI Integration Readiness | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | | Gasless Transactions | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | | Signless Operations | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | | Built-In Actors | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | | Persistent Memory | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | | Decentralization Level | Higher | Higher | Higher | | Consensus Mechanism | NPoS | PoS & Byzantine Fault Tolerance | DPoS |

\ Vara, Aptos, and Sui aim for high throughput, but they achieve this in different ways. Vara leverages the parallel computation capabilities of the Gear Protocol, allowing it to process multiple transactions simultaneously. This approach is similar to Sui's parallel processing but contrasts with Aptos, which uses PoS & Byzantine Fault Tolerance for transaction execution. Interoperability is another area where these networks differ. Also, Vara has the potential for future interoperability within the Substrate ecosystem due to its use of the Gear Protocol. Sui, on the other hand, places a strong emphasis on interoperability, with its Sui Bridge facilitating connections to other blockchains like Ethereum. Aptos, while using the Move language to enhance security, faces some interoperability challenges due to its custom virtual machine.

\ Speaking of smart contract languages, Vara supports WebAssembly (Wasm) contracts, with Rust being the preferred language. This offers flexibility for developers familiar with Rust. In contrast, both Aptos and Sui use the Move programming language, which while secure, may require developers to learn a new language. One area where Vara truly shines is in its unique features inherited from the Gear Protocol. The gasless and signless transactions in Vara are a game-changer for user experience, potentially lowering the barrier to entry for blockchain interactions. Neither Aptos nor Sui currently offer similar features. Additionally, Vara's built-in actors and automatic state persistence simplify development and enhance program capabilities, features not prominently mentioned for Aptos or Sui.

\ In terms of their consensus mechanisms, the decentralization level of these blockchain networks varies. Vara uses Nominated Proof-of-Stake (NPoS), which provides a high level of decentralization by allowing nominators to select validators, ensuring a fair and secure distribution of power. Aptos employs a hybrid of Proof-of-Stake and Byzantine Fault Tolerance, offering rapid transaction processing with a moderate level of decentralization due to its hybrid nature. Sui's Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) enhances scalability but can lead to power concentration, maintaining a higher level of decentralization compared to hybrid systems.

\ Transaction Metrics Table

The metrics provided below for our comparison are from reliable sources. Visit Aptos Explorer, ChainDebrief, and CoinTranscend to validate the metrics below. For more information on Vara’s metrics, you can visit Vara Explorer. Sui Metric References ChainDebrief, CoinTranscend, and  Sui Analytics. Also, source metrics for Aptos are ChainDebriefCoinTranscend, and Aptos Analytics.


| Network | Max TPS (20/09/2024) | Current TPS (20/09/2024) | Block Time | Finality Time | Total Transactions (Last 30 days) | |----|----|----|----|----|----| | Vara | 2,110 | 18 | 3 second | 12 seconds | 142,000 | | Aptos | 13,367 | 30 | 4 seconds | 0.9 seconds | 1,549,027 | | Sui | 1,042 | 39 | 3 seconds | 0.48 seconds | 251,334,573 |

\ These metrics provide an insightful snapshot of the performance capabilities of Vara, Aptos, and Sui. Let's break this down:


\ In terms of Transaction Per Seconds (TPS) capabilities, Vara Network showcases an impressive maximum TPS of 2,110, representing 12.8% of the total TPS capacity among the three networks. Although it doesn't lead in raw numbers, Vara's high TPS capability positions it as a reliable option for managing substantial transaction volumes. This is crucial for real-world applications and mass adoption, demonstrating the network’s commitment to scalability. Vara currently operates at 18 TPS, with a block time of 3 seconds and a finality time of 12 seconds. Over the last 30 days, the network processed 142,000 transactions, highlighting its strong potential for future growth.

\ On the other hand, Aptos Network takes the lead with the highest maximum TPS of 13,367, accounting for a significant 80.9% of the total capacity. Aptos excels not just in maximum throughput but also in efficiency, with 30 current TPS, a 4-second block time, and an impressive 0.9-second finality. Over the past month, Aptos processed 1,549,027 transactions, solidifying its position as a top-tier network capable of handling large-scale operations swiftly and efficiently.

\ Sui Network, although trailing behind in maximum TPS at 1,042 (6.3% of the total), stands out for its higher current TPS, clocking in at 39 TPS, a number that surpasses both Vara and Aptos. With a 3-second block time and an excellent 0.48-second finality, Sui offers an impressive balance of speed and efficiency. Over the past 30 days, Sui has processed a staggering 251,334,573 transactions, proving that despite its lower max TPS, the network performs exceptionally well in high-volume transaction scenarios.

\ In conclusion, while Aptos leads in terms of maximum TPS, Sui outperforms in current transaction throughput and volume, and Vara demonstrates solid scalability and potential for future expansion. Each network showcases unique strengths, positioning itself as a competitive player in blockchain transaction processing.

The provided bar chart highlights a comparison between Vara, Aptos, and Sui networks, focusing on Current TPS (Transactions Per Second), Block Time, and Finality Time. Based on the data, Sui Network demonstrates the highest current TPS, with 39 transactions per second, while Aptos follows closely with 30 TPS, and Vara has 18 TPS.

\ When it comes to block time, both Vara and Sui are quite efficient, producing new blocks every 3 seconds, whereas Aptos takes 4 seconds. Despite the slightly longer block time, all networks demonstrate high responsiveness in processing transactions quickly.

The finality time, which reflects how long it takes for a transaction to be considered final and irreversible, shows stark contrasts. Sui is the fastest with an impressive 0.48 seconds, closely followed by Aptos at 0.9 seconds. Vara, however, lags behind by 12 seconds, indicating a slower confirmation time compared to the other two networks.

\ In conclusion, while all three networks are highly capable, Sui stands out for its rapid finality time and higher TPS, making it the fastest in terms of transaction processing and finality. Aptos also performs efficiently, but Vara shows room for improvement in transaction finality despite having competitive block times and TPS.

\ Total Transactions:

The provided pie chart represents the total transactions across the Vara, Aptos, and Sui networks. The data reveals that Sui Network dominates with 85.5% of the total transactions, showcasing a significant lead. Aptos Network follows with 11.9%, while Vara Network accounts for 2.6% of the total transactions.


\ Regarding actual figures, Sui has processed 251,334,573 transactions, reinforcing its status as the leader in transaction volume. Aptos, despite its relatively smaller share, has seen 1,549,027 transactions over the past month, suggesting it is gaining traction. Vara, though the smallest in terms of transaction volume, has handled 142,000 transactions, which still shows steady network usage.

\ These percentages and figures highlight the varying levels of adoption and activity across the three networks, with Sui emerging as the network with the most transaction throughput.

Comparison Between Vara, Monad, and Sei

Since we’ve discussed Vara, I’ll provide you with a brief introduction to Monad Network and Sei Network together.

\ Sei Network

Sei Network distinguishes itself as a high-performance blockchain platform, leveraging a parallelized architecture to process multiple transactions simultaneously. Its standout feature is the Twin-Turbo Consensus mechanism, which drastically reduces the Time to Finality (TTF) to just 440 milliseconds, enabling near-instantaneous transaction confirmations. Sei employs a Pointer Contract (Bridge Builders) to facilitate seamless interaction between different virtual machines, supporting both Ethereum (EVM) and CosmWasm environments.

\ This dual support allows developers to write smart contracts in Solidity for EVM and languages like Rust for CosmWasm, offering flexibility in development. Sei's architecture is designed to minimize transaction costs even during high network activity, addressing a common issue in traditional EVM networks. For data management, Sei combines SeiDB and KYVE to ensure efficient storage and access without overwhelming node resources. Security is prioritized through robust cryptographic techniques and a decentralized validator network, making Sei a comprehensive solution balancing speed, interoperability, and security in the blockchain space.

\ Monad Network

Monad Network presents itself as an innovative EVM-compatible Layer-1 blockchain, aiming to address challenges faced by existing EVM-based networks. It claims impressive performance metrics with 10,000 TPS, one-second block times, and one-second finality, though these figures are based on internal tests. Monad's unique MonadBFT consensus mechanism, an optimized version of the HotStuff algorithm, separates transaction ordering from execution to achieve quick finality. This approach, coupled with parallel execution capabilities, allows for simultaneous processing of multiple transactions, potentially reducing latency compared to traditional sequential EVM methods. In terms of interoperability, Monad focuses solely on EVM compatibility, enabling the deployment of existing Ethereum smart contracts with minimal changes. Solidity is the primary smart contract language, with support for other EVM-targeted languages like Vyper and Huff.

\ Monad aims to balance faster transactions and lower fees through parallelized execution and instant finality, though this design might increase storage needs. Security is prioritized with Byzantine Fault Tolerance, but the optimistic execution approach could introduce temporary inconsistencies if attacked. While Monad shows promise for scalability and performance, its real-world effectiveness in terms of cost, speed, storage, and security requires further evaluation due to its relatively new status in the blockchain ecosystem.

\ Transaction Metrics Table

The metrics can be validated using Vara’s Activity Dashboard and the Vara Explorer. For Sei, visit Chainspect Sei, Sei Explorer, and  Ledger. Lastly, for reference for Monad visit Monad and CoinGecko.


| Network | Max TPS (20/09/2024) | Current TPS(20/09/2024) | Block Time | Finality Time | Total Transactions (Last 30 days) | |----|----|----|----|----|----| | Vara | 2110 | 18 | 3 second | 12 seconds | 142,000 | | Monad (Mainnet) | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | | Monad (Testnet) | 10,000 | N/A | 1 seconds | 1 seconds | N/A | | Sei | 256 | 48 | 0.590 seconds | 0.39 seconds | 20,660 |

\ When comparing the maximum throughput of these networks, Vara Network stands out with an impressive 2,110 TPS. This high figure is a result of Vara’s efficient use of parallel computation, which allows it to process multiple transactions simultaneously. This approach is particularly beneficial for platforms supporting smart contracts, as it reduces bottlenecks in transaction processing, ensuring smooth operation even under heavy load. In contrast, Sei Network has a lower maximum TPS of 256, but its design emphasizes speed and efficiency rather than sheer throughput. Sei's focus is on rapid transaction confirmation rather than maximizing the number of transactions processed per second, making it suitable for high-frequency use cases that demand fast confirmation times over bulk processing.

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\ Meanwhile, Monad Network's testnet boasts a remarkable 10,000 TPS, which, if sustained, would position it as a highly scalable network. However, this figure is based on testnet performance, and without mainnet data, the real-world capabilities of Monad remain speculative. While its potential is significant, only time will tell if Monad can deliver on its throughput promises when launched on its mainnet. In summary, Vara leads in potential throughput, Sei focuses on speed, and Monad's maximum TPS remains untested in real-world conditions, leaving room for future evaluation.


\ When comparing the performance of various networks, the focus on Current TPS, Block Time, and Finality Time reveals key insights. Vara Network currently processes 18 TPS with a block time of 3 seconds and a finality time of 12 seconds, reflecting solid performance and the ability to handle decentralized applications requiring complex computations through its WebAssembly (Wasm) smart contract execution. Sei Network, meanwhile, leads in Current TPS with 48 TPS, showcasing a faster pace.

\ Sei’s block time is notably low at 0.590 seconds, and its ultra-fast finality of 0.39 seconds positions it as a highly efficient network for real-time applications. While Monad Network is still in the testnet phase, its impressive theoretical figures, a potential 10,000 TPS, 1-second block time, and 1-second finality, suggest that it could be a high-performance contender once it moves to the mainnet. These performance metrics highlight the different strengths and focuses of each network, with Sei excelling in speed and finality, Vara offering solid transactional throughput, and Monad showing potential for significant future impact.


\ In conclusion, we can now state that Vara leads in total transactions over the last 30 days, reaching 142,000 transactions, followed by Sei with 20,660 transactions. Although Sei boasts the highest current TPS at 48, compared to Vara's 18, the overall usage on the Vara Network surpasses that of Sei in terms of transaction volume. Monad remains in a testing phase, with no mainnet statistics to report, and its true potential will only be measurable once mainnet performance metrics are available.

\ Vara Network continues to show substantial untapped potential, operating well below its max TPS capacity of 2110, which indicates room for scaling. Vara also differentiates itself through its Wasm-based architecture and computational capacity, which positions it well for future high-performance applications.

\ Sei, on the other hand, excels in terms of speed and finality, boasting ultra-fast finality times of 0.39 seconds and a block time of 0.590 seconds, making it attractive for high-frequency use cases and applications that demand speed.

\ Finally, Monad's potential remains speculative, as its testnet performance suggests high throughput capabilities, but this will need to be validated once the mainnet is launched.

Technical Features Comparison Table

Now, let's compare Vara, Sei, and Monad. When we shift our focus to Vara, Sei, and Monad, we see that these three networks are aiming to push the boundaries of blockchain performance, with the checkmarks below we have a better overview of each network and their unique features.


| Feature | Vara | Monad | Sei | |----|----|----|----| | High Throughput | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | | Parallelism | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | | Security | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | | Scalability | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | | Cross-Chain Interop | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | | Custom VM | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | | AI Integration Readiness | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | | Gasless Transactions | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | | Signless Operations | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | | Built-In Actors | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | | Decentralization Level | High | Moderate | High | | Consensus Mechanism | NPoS | MonadBFT | Twin-Turbo |

\ All three networks boast high throughput capabilities. Vara, as mentioned earlier, achieves this through parallel computation. Monad claims impressive figures of 10,000 TPS with one-second block times and finality based on internal tests. Sei, known for its exceptional speed, uses a parallelized architecture and claims a Time to Finality of just 440 milliseconds. Now, in terms of smart contract environments, Vara's support for Wasm contracts with a preference for Rust offers flexibility for developers. Monad, being EVM-compatible, primarily uses Solidity but also supports other EVM-targeted languages. Sei takes a unique approach by supporting both Ethereum and CosmWasm virtual machines, allowing developers to use languages like Solidity and Rust.

\ Interoperability is an area where these networks differ significantly. Vara, while not currently focused on cross-chain interactions, has the potential for future interoperability within the Substrate ecosystem. Monad's EVM compatibility facilitates easy deployment of Ethereum smart contracts, enhancing its interoperability with the Ethereum ecosystem. Sei's support for multiple virtual machines potentially offers broader interoperability. One of Vara's standout features is its gasless, BIA, and signless transactions, which significantly help developers build complex applications on the network to enhance user experience. Neither Monad nor Sei are mentioned to have similar features, giving Vara a unique advantage in reducing barriers to blockchain interaction.

\ When it comes to the decentralization level of each network, Vara, Sei, and Monad all employ innovative consensus mechanisms aimed at balancing decentralization, security, and performance in their blockchain networks. Vara's Nominated Proof of Stake (NPoS) system stands out for its potential to achieve high decentralization by involving numerous nominators in validator selection. This approach allows for broad participation in network governance, although the actual level of decentralization can be influenced by stake distribution. Sei's Twin-Turbo Consensus builds on Tendermint's Byzantine Fault Tolerance, maintaining strong decentralization while emphasizing efficient block propagation. In contrast, Monad's MonadBT takes a moderate approach, utilizing a leader-based system that, while potentially limiting decentralization to some degree, aims to strike a balance between security and performance. Vara's focus on involving a large number of participants in its consensus process is particularly noteworthy, as it could lead to a more democratized network structure.

Final Thoughts

As we examine the landscape of next-generation blockchain networks, such as Sui, Sei, Vara, Monad, and Aptos, we are witnessing an intriguing evolution in blockchain technology. Each of these networks brings unique strengths to the table, pushing the boundaries of scalability, security, and performance.

\ Sui employs an object-centric model and Move language implementation, offering a new approach to parallelism. Sei utilizes the Twin-Turbo consensus mechanism, achieving remarkable finality times. Monad's ambitious testnet figures hint at potentially groundbreaking throughput. Aptos, with its Move-based architecture, focuses on security and resource management.

However, Vara's potential stands out in this competitive field. With its combination of WebAssembly smart contracts, parallel execution, and innovative features like gasless and signless transactions, Vara is positioned uniquely in the blockchain ecosystem. Vara's architecture demonstrates a thoughtful balance between performance, security, and developer accessibility, which could be crucial as the blockchain industry matures.

\ Vara's max TPS of 2,110, while not the highest in this group, is substantial and suggests significant room for growth from its current utilization. The network's ability to handle complex, computation-heavy applications thanks to its Wasm-based approach could attract developers looking to build more sophisticated decentralized applications.

Moreover, Vara's focus on user experience through features like gasless transactions could be a game-changer. As blockchain technology moves towards mainstream adoption, reducing barriers to entry for end-users will become increasingly important. In this aspect, Vara seems to be ahead of the curve.

\ I believe that Vara's potential isn't just about its current features. The flexibility of its architecture, built on the Gear Protocol, suggests that Vara has significant room for future optimizations and upgrades. As the network grows and evolves, we might see improvements in areas like finality time, which could further boost its transaction throughput and expand its use cases.

While Sei currently leads in total transactions and Monad boasts impressive testnet figures, Vara's balanced approach and room for growth make it a strong contender in the long run. As these networks continue to develop and real-world usage increases, Vara's combination of high performance and user-friendly features make it well-positioned to play a significant role in shaping the future of decentralized applications and blockchain technology as a whole.

\ In the next part of our discussion, after we explore how some of these layer-2 networks address these limitations, we'll delve deeper into Vara's prospects and developments, exploring how this AI integration could reshape the network's capabilities, its potential impact on the broader blockchain ecosystem, and the new horizons it might open for decentralized applications and services. The fusion of blockchain and AI in Vara's architecture could represent the next evolutionary step in distributed ledger technology.

Exploring Layer-2 Solution on Early Limitations

As we have observed, Layer-1 networks such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are facing significant scalability issues. This has led to the emergence of new Layer-1 solutions. However, efforts to overcome these limitations are not limited to Layer-1 advancements alone. Layer-2 networks have also been developed to improve the scalability and performance of existing blockchain networks while maintaining their security and decentralization. Keeping this in mind, let's explore three pioneering Layer-2 solutions within the Ethereum ecosystem: LagrangeMegaEth, and RISC0. Similar to the Layer-1 networks discussed earlier, these solutions aim to address these critical challenges.



Lagrange is an advanced Layer-2 (L2) solution on Ethereum, leveraging zero-knowledge proofs (zk-SNARKs) to enable scalable and secure smart contract execution. The core concept of Lagrange revolves around decentralizing execution while ensuring verifiable outcomes. This is achieved through zk-SNARKs, which allow for the validation of computations without revealing the underlying data.

One of the key advantages of Lagrange is its support for parallel computations, which significantly enhances the throughput and efficiency of the Ethereum network. By distributing the computational load across multiple nodes and verifying results using zk-SNARKs, Lagrange ensures that smart contracts can be executed at a scale far beyond what the Ethereum mainnet can handle. This capability is crucial for applications requiring high throughput, such as decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms and gaming ecosystems.

Moreover, Lagrange maintains the security guarantees of Ethereum, as the computations are verifiable on-chain. This combination of scalability and security positions Lagrange as a powerful tool for developers looking to build complex, high-performance applications on Ethereum.



MegaEth is another L2 solution designed to enhance the scalability of Ethereum by using zk-rollups. Zk-rollups aggregate multiple transactions into a single proof, which is then submitted to the Ethereum mainnet. This approach drastically reduces the computational burden on the mainnet while still ensuring that transactions are secure and verifiable.

One of the standout features of MegaEth is its ability to support parallel execution of smart contracts. This allows multiple contracts to be processed simultaneously, further boosting the network's throughput. MegaEth’s focus on zk-rollups means that it can handle a large number of transactions efficiently, making it particularly suitable for high-transaction environments like DeFi and decentralized exchanges (DEXs).

\ Additionally, MegaEth's architecture is designed to minimize gas fees, making it more cost-effective for users. By bundling transactions together and reducing the frequency of on-chain interactions, MegaEth lowers the overall cost of using the Ethereum network, which is a significant advantage in a network where gas fees can be prohibitive.


Risc0 offers a unique approach to scaling Ethereum by introducing a zk-SNARK-enabled coprocessor. This system is designed to offload computational tasks from Ethereum to a specialized coprocessor that can handle parallel computations efficiently. The Risc0 coprocessor ensures that the results of these computations are verifiable on-chain, preserving the security and trustless nature of Ethereum.

The key strength of Risc0 lies in its ability to handle complex computations that would be too resource-intensive for the Ethereum mainnet. By offloading these tasks to a coprocessor, Risc0 can execute them in parallel, thereby improving the overall throughput of the network. This makes Risc0 particularly valuable for applications that require heavy computational power, such as machine learning or scientific simulations, which can now be executed in a decentralized manner.

\ Risc0 also integrates seamlessly with existing Ethereum infrastructure, making it easier for developers to adopt without needing to overhaul their current systems. The use of zk-SNARKs ensures that the results from the coprocessor are not only accurate but also confidential, adding an extra layer of privacy to the network.


Connecting These Layer-2 to Vara, Sei, Sui, Monad, and Aptos

While I briefly touched on Lagrange, MegaEth, and Risc0, it's evident that these Layer-2 solutions address similar challenges just like Vara, Sei, Sui, Monad, and Aptos as layer-1 solutions. Lagrange’s use of zk-SNARKs for parallel computations closely parallels Vara's approach to parallel execution. Whereas Vara achieves this at the Layer-1 level through its foundational protocol (Gear Protocol), Lagrange provides advantages similar to Ethereum's as a Layer-2 solution. On the other hand, MegaEth, with its use of zk-rollups for transaction aggregation, draws a parallel to Monad’s strategy for high throughput in its Layer-1 architecture. Both solutions emphasize parallel execution of smart contracts; however, MegaEth does so as a Layer-2 on Ethereum, while Monad implements it natively within its blockchain. The focus on reducing gas fees in MegaEth also mirrors the efficiency objectives of the discussed Layer-1 networks.

\ Furthermore, Risc0’s zk-SNARK-enabled coprocessor approach is intriguing, and it resonates with Sei Network’s Twin-Turbo Consensus for rapid transaction finality. Though the technologies differ, both Risc0 and Sei share a focus on enhancing performance, where Risc0 offloads intensive computations to specialized components, and Sei achieves efficiency by distributing tasks across multiple parallel chains, enabling effective parallel processing. Now, in terms of security, the integration of privacy features through zk-SNARKs across these Layer-2 solutions also echoes the security focus found in networks like Aptos and Sui, which leverage the Move programming language to enhance smart contract security.

\ So overall, these Layer-2 and Layer-1 networks use different strategies to solve blockchain scalability and performance issues. Their innovations will shape the future of decentralized applications and blockchain technology. Lastly, talk about their feature from the table below.

Comprehensive Table of Features

So after connecting the solutions by layer-2 to layer-1 you realize that they all solve the same limitation but layer-2 solutions are very narrow. Below is a more comprehensive table that lists their features, focus, security, cost, and more.


| Metric/Feature | Lagrange | MegaEth | Risc0 | |----|----|----|----| | Core Technology | zk-SNARKs | zk-Rollups | zk-SNARK-enabled coprocessor | | Primary Focus | Decentralized execution and parallel computation | High transaction throughput via aggregation | Specialized computation offloading | | Parallel Computation | Yes | Yes | Yes | | Transaction Aggregation | No | Yes | No | | Cost Efficiency (Gas Fees) | Moderate | High (Low fees due to aggregation) | Moderate | | Security Model | On-chain verification via zk-SNARKs | On-chain verification via zk-Rollups | On-chain verification via zk-SNARKs | | Scalability | High (Parallel computation) | Very High (zk-Rollups) | Moderate-High (Specialized computation) | | Developer Accessibility | Moderate (zk-SNARKs complexity) | High (zk-Rollups, user-friendly) | Moderate (Hardware-specific, zk-SNARKs) | | Ecosystem Support | Growing, zk-SNARKs-focused | Extensive, particularly in DeFi | Niche focused on computational-heavy apps | | Latency | Moderate | Low (Efficient processing) | Moderate (Coproc. offloading) | | Privacy | Very High (zk-SNARKs) | High (zk-Rollups) | Very High (zk-SNARKs) | | Ideal Use Cases | DeFi, Gaming, High-performance DApps, Complex Contracts | DeFi, DEXs, High-transaction environments | AI, Machine Learning, Scientific Simulations, Privacy-sensitive apps | | Integration Ease | High | High | High | | Ideal Environments | High-performance DApps, Complex Contracts | High-transaction environments, DeFi, DEXs | AI, Machine Learning, Privacy-sensitive apps |


Future Prospects and Developments

Artificial Intelligence And Blockchain

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a significant driver of innovation across various industries, including blockchain technology. AI integration into blockchain networks can enhance capabilities such as predictive analytics, intelligent automation, and overall performance. By leveraging AI, blockchain networks can achieve higher levels of efficiency, security, and scalability, making them more versatile and robust for various applications. Now, Vara is poised to become a hardware-AI native chain by the end of the year.

This development aims to enhance the network's performance, predictive analytics, and intelligent automation capabilities, setting it apart from other blockchain networks.


What does this Integration Mean for Vara Network

The integration of AI into the Vara Network, enabled by enhanced hardware capabilities for validators, marks a significant milestone that expands its potential applications and use cases. While the core performance of Vara's blockchain remains driven by its underlying architecture (Actor Model), the incorporation of AI technologies enhances the network's overall capabilities. This integration allows Vara to offer more intelligent and sophisticated blockchain solutions, opening up new opportunities for innovative applications and interdisciplinary approaches. By providing an AI-ready infrastructure, Vara is well-positioned to lead the next wave of blockchain technology, creating a synergy between AI and distributed ledger systems that can address complex challenges and enable novel functionalities previously unattainable in traditional blockchain networks.

\ Here's a table summarizing the potential prospects and developments for Vara Network, focusing on its planned AI integration:


| Aspect | Impact of AI Integration | |----|----| | Smart Contracts | Enablement of AI-driven smart contracts, leading to more sophisticated and adaptive dApps | | Block Time / Finality | Potential reduction from current 3s block time and 12s finality through AI-optimized resource allocation | | Use Cases | Opening of new possibilities like decentralized ML models, AI-driven governance, predictive analytics | | Competitive Edge | Positioning as a pioneer in hardware-AI native blockchain technology | | Scalability | Potential AI-driven solutions to address fundamental blockchain scaling challenges | | Energy Efficiency | Possible optimization of network operations for better long-term energy efficiency |

\ This table summarizes the potential impacts of integrating AI into the Vara Network, highlighting its capacity to enhance technical performance, security, and scalability, while also considering broader industry implications.



As we conclude our exploration of these innovative blockchain networks, both layer-1 and layer-2 solutions represent significant advancements in distributed ledger technology, each addressing critical aspects of the blockchain trilemma - decentralization, security, and scalability. Since each network brings its unique strengths to the table, taking Vara's NPoS system and its focus on broad participation paint a picture of a more inclusive and democratized blockchain network with its focus on actor models, persistent memory, and AI integration, stands out for its forward-looking architecture designed to handle high-performance decentralized applications, and Sei's Twin-Turbo Consensus mechanism, building upon Tendermint's BFT (Byzantine Fault Tolerance), demonstrates how optimizations in block propagation and transaction parallelization can significantly enhance throughput without compromising security, and also Monad's MonadBT consensus algorithm presents an intriguing approach to leader-based systems, offering a middle ground between the high decentralization of pure PoS systems and the performance benefits of more centralized approaches.

\ Where both Aptos and Sui leverage their Move-based architecture to enhance security and resource efficiency. Move's ability to represent assets as first-class resources provides strong safety guarantees and simplifies the development of complex smart contracts. Now, on the other hand of the Layer-2 front, the utilization of zero-knowledge proofs (zk-SNARKs) by solutions like Lagrange, MegaEth, and Risc0 showcases the potential for off-chain computation and privacy-preserving transactions. Lagrange's focus on decentralized execution and parallel computation addresses key scalability issues, while MegaEth's zk-Rollup implementation offers a pathway to significant transaction throughput improvements. Risc0's specialized zk-SNARK coprocessor opens new avenues for privacy-sensitive, computation-heavy applications, particularly in AI and machine learning domains.

\ These technological advancements collectively push the boundaries of what's achievable in terms of transaction speed, security, and computational capability in decentralized networks. As these systems mature and interoperability solutions evolve, we can anticipate a more interconnected and efficient blockchain ecosystem capable of supporting increasingly complex and demanding decentralized applications.

For developers and system architects, these innovations offer a rich set of tools and platforms to build upon, each with its strengths and optimizations. The challenge moving forward will be in selecting the right technology stack for specific use cases and in developing applications that can fully leverage the unique capabilities of these advanced blockchain networks and Layer-2 solutions.



While this list of references is not exhaustive, it includes key sources that provide a solid foundation for further exploration of the topics discussed. Readers are encouraged to explore additional resources for a more comprehensive understanding.

