:::info Authors:
(1) Todd K. Moon, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Utah State University, Logan, Utah;
(2) Jacob H. Gunther, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Utah State University, Logan, Utah.
Table of LinksAbstract and 1 Introduction and Background
2 Statistical Parsing and Extracted Features
7 Conclusions, Discussion, and Future Work
A. A Brief Introduction to Statistical Parsing
B. Dimension Reduction: Some Mathematical Details
B Dimension Reduction: Some Mathematical DetailsThis material is drawn from [27]. The trace of Sw provides a measure of the clustering of the feature for each class around their respective centroids,
\ \ Note that Sw, being the sum of the outer product of n terms, generically has rank min(n, m). In the work here, the dimension of the feature vectors m is very large, so that rank(Sw) = n; Sw is singular.
\ Similarly, tr(Sb) measures the total distance between cluster centroids and the overall centroid,
\ \ A measure of cluster quality which measures the degree to which tr(Sw) is small and tr(Sb) is large is
\ \ To express the algorithm, the following matrices are defined. The scatter matrices Sw, Sb and Sm can be expressed in terms of the matrices
\ \ That is, Hm, Hb and Hm form factors of the respective scatter matrices.
\ The algorithm for computing G is shown below. (adapted from Algorithm 1 of [27]).
\ \
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