2 Background and 2.1 Transformer-Based Large Language Models
2.2 LLM Service & Autoregressive Generation
2.3 Batching Techniques for LLMs
3 Memory Challenges in LLM Serving
3.1 Memory Management in Existing Systems
4 Method and 4.1 PagedAttention
4.3 Decoding with PagedAttention and vLLM
4.4 Application to Other Decoding Scenarios
6 Evaluation and 6.1 Experimental Setup
6.3 Parallel Sampling and Beam Search
10 Conclusion, Acknowledgement and References
4.2 KV Cache ManagerThe key idea behind vLLM’s memory manager is analogous to the virtual memory [25] in operating systems. OS partitions memory into fixed-sized pages and maps user programs’ logical pages to physical pages. Contiguous logical pages can correspond to non-contiguous physical memory pages, allowing user programs to access memory as though it were contiguous. Moreover, physical memory space needs not to be fully reserved in advance, enabling the OS to dynamically allocate physical pages as needed. vLLM uses the ideas behind virtual memory to manage the KV cache in an LLM service. Enabled by PagedAttention, we organize the KV cache as fixed-size KV blocks, like pages in virtual memory.
\ A request’s KV cache is represented as a series of logical KV blocks, filled from left to right as new tokens and their KV cache are generated. The last KV block’s unfilled positions are reserved for future generations. On GPU workers, a block engine allocates a contiguous chunk of GPU DRAM and
\ divides it into physical KV blocks (this is also done on CPU RAM for swapping; see §4.5). The KV block manager also maintains block tables—the mapping between logical and physical KV blocks of each request. Each block table entry records the corresponding physical blocks of a logical block and the number of filled positions. Separating logical and physical KV blocks allows vLLM to dynamically grow the KV cache memory without reserving it for all positions in advance, which eliminates most memory waste in existing systems, as in Fig. 2.
:::info This paper is available on arxiv under CC BY 4.0 DEED license.
:::info Authors:
(1) Woosuk Kwon, UC Berkeley with Equal contribution;
(2) Zhuohan Li, UC Berkeley with Equal contribution;
(3) Siyuan Zhuang, UC Berkeley;
(4) Ying Sheng, UC Berkeley and Stanford University;
(5) Lianmin Zheng, UC Berkeley;
(6) Cody Hao Yu, Independent Researcher;
(7) Cody Hao Yu, Independent Researcher;
(8) Joseph E. Gonzalez, UC Berkeley;
(9) Hao Zhang, UC San Diego;
(10) Ion Stoica, UC Berkeley.
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