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Following Traditional Advice Isn’t Enough to Switch From QA to Developer, So What to Do Instead?

DATE POSTED:September 17, 2024

You're a quality engineer.

\ You know your way around software, you’ve caught the bugs, optimized the processes, and saved your team from countless headaches.

\ But now, you’re eyeing that developer role—the one where you get to build, not just test.

\ The one where your ideas turn into code that shapes products. You want to move from a gatekeeper to a value creator.

\ Yet, every time you take a step forward, it feels like you’re lost in a maze of conflicting advice, never-ending roadmaps, and an overwhelming list of “must-know” technologies.

\ You’ve scoured the internet, read the blogs, watched the tutorials, and maybe even bookmarked, only to be left feeling more confused than ever.

\ "Where do I even start? How long will this take? Am I learning the right things?"

\ It feels like you’re trying to drink from a firehose, with no clear direction, no real sense of progress, and no idea when you’ll be ready to make the leap.

\ It’s easy to get stuck in analysis paralysis, overwhelmed by the sheer volume of things to learn.

\ You might even think about throwing your hands up and diving straight into a project, hoping you’ll figure it out as you go—only to hit roadblocks that send you spiraling back to square one.

\ But what if I told you there’s a simpler path?

\ A path that starts with understanding exactly where you are, and maps out clear, actionable steps to get you to that full-time development role you’ve been dreaming about.

\ Not someday—sooner than you think.

\ This guide will help you do just that.

\ It’s about cutting through the noise, focusing on what truly matters, and giving you the confidence to start building, learning, and applying for that dream job—all without getting lost in the endless sea of “shoulds” and “musts.”


Steps to Follow Identify your starting point

Assess your skills.

\ Are you at the learning the loops stage? Or are you at a level where you can solve some problems in most of the key topics area of a language?

\ You know what to do if you are learning the loops or just getting started. You only need to focus on the fundamentals.

\ But what if you understand the language fairly well and only need to learn the skills that most mid-level engineers want to know?

This is where you face the conflicting information challenge.

\ What you can do here is build your programming muscle. You need to compete with other experienced developers who can write code without looking up the internet. So, by solving simpler programming challenges, you can build the muscle to solve problems.

\ Try simple to medium complexity exercises on coding platforms such as Hackerrank, Codility, and LeetCode.

:::warning Don’t get stuck on practicing LeetCode. It is only a stepping stone and a way to build the programming muscle.


Transitioning to Building Projects

After getting comfortable with solving coding problems, it’s time to start building real projects.

\ You’ll know you’re ready for this step when you can mentally map out solutions or feel a sense of boredom with repetitive coding exercises.

\ This indicates you’ve mastered the basics and are ready to apply your skills in a more meaningful way.

Start With Simple Projects

Begin with a small, manageable project that aligns with your goals, like a basic to-do app or a simple API service.

\ The key is to complete a project from start to finish rather than biting off more than you can chew with a complex, large-scale application.

\ Completing a project will build your confidence and give you a sense of accomplishment, which is crucial at this stage.

\ For common pitfalls to avoid when starting projects, you can check out my video where I cover the biggest mistakes new developers make.

Keep Practicing Problem-Solving

Even as you dive into projects, continue practicing coding challenges at least once a week. This habit will help you maintain your problem-solving skills.

\ It also keeps your coding speed sharp, which is vital for performing well in technical interviews.

Incorporate Libraries and Tools

One of the hallmarks of a seasoned developer is knowing when to leverage existing libraries instead of writing everything from scratch.

\ These libraries are used by thousands of developers and have been thoroughly tested in production environments, bringing robustness and efficiency to your projects.

Explore Useful Libraries

Identify commonly used libraries in your chosen tech stack that can make your code more concise and efficient.

\ For instance, in the Java ecosystem, Apache Commons offers a variety of utility functions that handle many of the repetitive tasks for you.

\ Integrating these libraries into your projects not only speeds up development but also teaches you how to rely on battle-tested code to solve common problems.

Identify and Address Skill Gaps

As you near the completion of your projects, take a step back and assess any gaps in your skill set. This might include missing technical skills, foundational concepts, or knowledge of software development processes.

\ The key here is to be honest with yourself about where you need improvement.

Create a Learning Plan

Address these gaps one at a time. You can extend your current project to practice these skills or start a new project specifically designed to target your weak areas.

\ For example, if you’re unfamiliar with certain libraries or need to brush up on data structures, make that a focus in your next project iteration.

Market Research and Applying for Jobs

Begin applying for entry-level developer positions, even if you feel you're not yet perfect.

\ The feedback you receive from job applications and interviews will provide invaluable insights into what employers are looking for and help you identify further gaps to address.

\ Conduct market research on job portals to keep up with the skills in demand for your desired tech stack.

Learn From Other Developer’s Code

Reading other developers' code is one of the fastest ways to learn.

\ It exposes you to different coding styles, best practices, and new tools.

\ Additionally, resources like can offer more ideas and pathways to expand your skill set.

Leverage Your Experience

As you gain experience, it's time to capitalize on your hard work.

  • Update your resume with your new skills and completed projects.
  • Highlight the technologies you’ve used and the problems you’ve solved.
  • Start applying for more roles
  • Look to get interviewed to learn your skill gaps.
Rinse and Repeat

This journey is iterative.

\ After completing a project and addressing your skill gaps, repeat the process to continuously build on the knowledge you’ve gained:

Identify New Skills

Regularly reassess and pinpoint the next set of skills you need to learn.

\ This process is continuous and should continue even after you get a job.

Expand or Start New Projects

Either enhance your existing projects to incorporate new skills, or start a new project that challenges you in different ways.

\ You should look to continue even after getting a job. Side projects keep you on your toes, and you can experiment as much as you want.

\ At the job, you may not be able to play with the latest technologies all the time.

Incorporate New Tools and Libraries

Continuously refine your code by incorporating libraries and tools you discover through research or by reading other developers’ work.

Refactor and Improve

Refactor your code to improve readability and performance, demonstrating your growth and commitment to quality software development.

\ By following these steps, you’ll create a solid foundation, gain practical experience, and confidently transition from quality assurance to full-time software development.


You’ve made it this far, but this is just the beginning.

\ The path from QA to full-time developer isn’t some distant dream—it’s within your reach.

\ You’ve already got the foundation, the drive, and the grit to make this transition. Now, it’s about taking action, making strategic moves, and never letting the overwhelm keep you stuck.

\ But let’s be real: You can’t do it all alone.

\ Trying to piece together bits of advice from a hundred different sources will only slow you down.

\ You need a clear, focused plan that keeps you on track and shows you exactly what to do next.

\ That’s why I’ve put together a free mind map outlining the entire process—a proven guide to take you from where you are now to where you want to be.

\ And no, I’m not dumping it in this post because I want it in the hands of people who are committed to moving forward, people who are action-takers and who are serious about moving from QA to Developer.

\ If you’re ready to be one of those people, click the link below to get your free mind map.

\ And if you’re ready to supercharge your progress, don’t just stop at the mind map.

\ I’m hosting a FREE workshop that will walk you through building your projects—projects that employers can’t ignore.

\ It will provide you with a solid framework that you can use to build project after project.

\ Even after you get a job, you can use this framework to deliver projects on time without bugs.

\ Don’t wait—spaces are limited, and you don’t want to miss out.

This is your moment.

\ Your opportunity to stop dreaming and start doing.

\ Click the links, grab the resources, and let’s make your transition to software development a reality.

\ You’ve got this.