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The Best Smart Contracts For Fractional NFT Marketplace Development

DATE POSTED:October 23, 2024
Fractional NFT Marketplace

When the decentralized business structure arose in the modern century, the popularity of blockchain technologies increased. Blockchain is now combined with smart contracts to ensure transaction security and transferability. Smart contracts are digital contracts used to process transactions in blockchain technology. They are capable of executing the actions when necessary conditions in the contract are met. They are tamper-proof and highly authenticated. This innovative blog discusses the importance of smart contracts and their role in fractional NFT ownership.

Role Of Smart Contract In Fractional NFT Platform

Fractional NFTs are used to gain access to high-value assets. Smart contracts play a major role in producing Fractional NFTs. The smart contracts initiate minting and locking a single regular NFT to produce fractional NFTs. This amazing procedure is done by smart contracts to enhance transparency and mutability in blockchain transactions. Smart contracts are highly predominant in attaining fractional NFT ownership. Smart contracts are self-executing contracts that operate when particular conditions in the agreement are met. It works without the intervention of any third parties. It is designed as per the legal and regulatory compliances so that the users can use them without any hesitation. The smart contracts streamline the processes of issuing and creating fractional NFTs from a single large NFT. This in turn offers fractional ownership to the users to access the precious digital assets.

Elite Features Of Smart Contracts

Streamlined Automated Operations: Smart contracts assure streamlined and automated operations without the involvement of any middlemen. They are highly authenticated to the blockchain technology emphasizing decentralized operations. The goal of smart contracts is to work automatically as per the agreement standards. The work done by the smart contracts is stored in immutable and decentralized ledgers so that the data is preserved and secured.

Freedom To Access High-Value Assets: Since smart contracts are capable of producing fractional NFTs, several portions of a high-valued asset can be processed using a single NFT.

High Liquidity: The smart contracts with ERC 404 standards produce fractional NFTs which are used to sell or trade the assets easily in the NFT marketplace. The NFT marketplace is competitive and it can be easily excavated by using these smart contracts. By using smart contracts, the entire procedure becomes simple.

Diversification: Since the NFT marketplace is gifted with a diversified number of assets, smart contracts producing fractional NFTs can access these assets effectively.

Shared Ownership And Supportive Community:

In an NFT marketplace, you can access precious digital assets along with your co-investors. This will foster a community-based approach to using fractional NFTs. While owning a single asset by multiple members, the shares and experiences of the owners can be exchanged.

Widens Opportunity For Buyers:

For example, if you want to buy a diamond in an NFT marketplace, you will think multiple times. With the usage of fractional NFTs, the diamond will be made accessible into smaller units with the help of fractional NFTs.

Smart Contract Erc 404Why Is Erc-404 Better Than Other Smart Contracts?

The smart contracts used in the fractional NFT platform include:

ERC-721 vs ERC-404

Both ERC-721 and ERC-404 smart contracts are used to produce nonfungible tokens. Both of these token standards are used to access highly valuable digital assets. Even though the features of these tokens are similar, one should note that ERC-404 stands better than ERC 721 in asset liquidity and token uniqueness. ERC 721 is capable of producing non-fungible tokens so that they are unique. It also supports metadata storage to store information on the assets. While considering ERC-404, it is directly involved with fractional NFTs to access high-value assets.

Why use ERC 404?

While comparing the features of ERC 404 and ERC 721, ERC 404 is highly flexible in producing fractional NFTs and enhancing asset liquidity.

ERC 1155 vs ERC 404

ERC 1155 supports both fungible and non-fungible tokens in the same smart contract. It helps in promoting a complex token ecosystem including fungible, non-fungible, and sem-fungible tokens. The tokens produced based on ERC 1155 standards are majorly associated with asset transfers. While coming to ERC 404, both fungible and nonfungible tokens can be produced within the same contract. It combines the features of ERC 721 and ERC 20 so that the property of fungible and non-fungible can be used at the same time. These tokens are majorly associated with fractional NFT ownership.

Why use ERC 404?

While contrasting the features of ERC 404 and ERC 1155, ERC 404 is more proficient in offering fractional NFT ownership. This is because ERC 1155 produces fungible and non-fungible tokens at separate times. Therefore, it cannot be used at all times to access fractional parts of valuable assets.

ERC-20 vs ERC 404

ERC 20 acts as a standard for initial coin offerings. They are majorly used to produce fungible tokens as per the ERC 20 standards. These tokens can be interchanged. They work on actions like transfer, transfer from, and approve. While on the other hand, ERC 404 functions in a hybrid mode in producing both fungible and non-fungible tokens. The non-fungible tokens can be further fractionalized to attain shared ownership of digital assets.

Why Use Erc 404?

While a comparison is done between EC 20 and ERC 404 smart contracts, ERC 404 works faster for digital assets. It adheres to the need for shared ownership in a better way when compared to ERC 20 token standards.

DAO smart contracts vs ERC 404: It operates through a DAO governance system. In this case, the fractional NFTs produced will be managed by the DAO system. The people can cast their votes to impart their decisions in this system. In this case, the entire fractional NFT platform works on decentralized voting systems to make decisions. On the other hand, ERC 404 works based on smart contract integration and automation processes.

Why use ERC 404?

While comparing ERC 404 and DAO smart contracts, ERC 404 operates smoother and more efficiently since it widens buyer opportunities using fractional NFTs. It eliminates third parties from accessing shared ownership. It never sticks in between, unlike DAO smart contracts which seek voting procedures.

Buy Or Auction Contract vs ERC 404: In the NFT marketplace, this type of smart contract plays a predominant role. It allows the buying of all the shares before carrying out the fractionalization process. It works on the basis of auction bidding over the assets. If high bids are placed, the assets can be sold for high prices. On the other hand, ERC 404 smart contracts work automatically through the minting and burning of NFT tokens. It assures safer transactions without third-party involvement.

Why use ERC 404?

ERC 404 smart contract does not require time-consuming auction bidding. It can be easily automated by burning out the original NFT to produce smaller fractions. It offers high liquidity and allows easy trading when compared to auction smart contracts. It also eliminates the process of buying the asset once. Instead, the asset will be ready to be fractionalized.

How To Develop An Erc-404 Smart Contract For Fractional NFT

Choose A Developing Environment

You must select an appropriate developing environment with the code editor.

Set Rules And Regulations

Then you should define the properties of the smart contracts. In addition to this, the rules and regulations of the smart contracts need to be set. For example, ERC-404 follows a set of rules and standards for fractional NFT creation.


It is the main phase of the development activity where the smart contract needs to be coded. Coding is often done to establish the functions of the smart contract.


After the coding process, the code is tested for its efficiency. Apart from this, continuous monitoring and control are required.


The documentation and auditing is done after the testing process is over. The documentation refers to the final step of smart contract development.

By following the above-mentioned steps, an efficient smart contract can be developed in the NFT marketplace to attain fractional NFT ownership.

Challenges In Smart Contract Development

Even though smart contracts are highly beneficial for fractional asset tokenization and fractional NFT ownership, some challenges are also present that need to be addressed appropriately.

Lack Of Proper Regulatory Laws:

The rules and regulations set for the smart contracts are still a developing one. Therefore, smart contracts need to be developed again and again as per the changing rules and regulations.

High Technical Skills

Developing a smart contract requires high technical skills. If coding mistakes occur, it will result in serious problems.

Can Be Easily Exploited:

If smart contracts are not developed efficiently, it leads to programming errors. This will cause serious financial threats when they don’t work properly.

High Cost:

The development of fractional NFT smart contracts and their implementation in several blockchains demands high skills and expense. Whether is small or large-scale enterprises, the cost of smart contracts is getting skyrocketed. This happens due to the demand for smart contract developers. The technological complexities are high in smart contract development. Therefore to build a full-fledged smart contract costs up to 10,000 dollars. If the smart contract is built with advanced features, then it can rise to 45,000 dollars.


The entire blog discusses the role of smart contracts in fractional NFT ownership. The Fractional NFT Ownership helps in removing the NFT marketplace in some other dimension. The role of fractional NFTs is growing day by day with the emergence of several digital assets. The fractional NFT tokens rely on the picture of fractionalization to meet the demands of digital shared ownership effectively. We adhere to your needs in developing effective fractional NFT projects for you as per your demands. Fractional NFT investing is a smart idea to quench the ownership of valuable digital assets to embark on positivity in the crypto world.

CoinsQueens offers a solution with Fractional NFT Marketplace Development, allowing people to own parts of high-value NFTs. This way, more people can invest in rare NFTs without paying the full price.

Why Choose CoinsQueens?

  • Smart Contracts: We use special software to split ownership of NFTs, ensuring that everything is secure and transparent.
  • Easy to Use: Our platforms are built to be simple and user-friendly, making it easy for anyone to invest.
  • Custom Features: You can have special options like royalty management and dynamic pricing, based on your needs.
  • Top Security: Safety is our priority, so we use the best security practices to protect your marketplace.
  • Wallet Integration: Users can connect their crypto wallets easily, making transactions smooth.

With CoinsQueens, you can create a marketplace where NFTs are split into smaller parts, making it easier for more people to invest.

The Best Smart Contracts For Fractional NFT Marketplace Development was originally published in Coinmonks on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.