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Is AI Secretly Reinforcing Bias and Inequality?

DATE POSTED:September 12, 2024

\ Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic concept confined to sci-fi movies. It’s here, shaping how we live, work, and interact with the world around us. AI promises to transform industries, streamline decision-making, and even make life more convenient. From personalized recommendations on Netflix to facial recognition at airports, AI is everywhere.

\ But beneath the surface of this seemingly revolutionary technology lies a growing concern: AI is reinforcing biases and inequalities in ways we might not fully understand. The very systems designed to be objective and impartial are, in many cases, perpetuating harmful stereotypes, creating a new kind of digital discrimination. Could it be that AI, in its quest for efficiency, is widening the gap between different social groups and reinforcing the status quo?

Hidden Biases in AI

At its core, AI relies on data—massive amounts of it. Machine learning algorithms analyze patterns and trends within this data to make decisions. The problem is that if the data itself is biased, AI will reflect and even amplify those biases. And unfortunately, much of the data we feed into AI systems is influenced by human prejudices.

\ For example, if historical data from hiring processes shows a preference for male candidates over female ones, an AI system trained on this data may continue to favor male applicants in the future. This has already happened: in 2018, Amazon had to scrap its AI-powered recruiting tool after it was found to penalize resumes that included the word “women.” The AI had been trained on resumes submitted over a 10-year period, which predominantly came from men, leading the system to assume male candidates were more qualified.

The issue goes beyond gender. Racial and socio-economic biases have also been baked into AI systems. Facial recognition software, used by law enforcement agencies, has been found to have higher error rates when identifying people of color compared to white individuals. In one study by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), it was revealed that facial recognition algorithms misidentified Black and Asian faces 10 to 100 times more often than white faces.

These examples highlight a troubling trend: AI is not as neutral as we think.

Algorithmic Discrimination in Daily Life

AI is used in many sectors, from healthcare to criminal justice, and the consequences of its biases can be severe. Consider predictive policing, where AI algorithms analyze crime data to determine where police officers should patrol. If past crime data is biased—targeting certain communities more than others—AI systems can reinforce those biases, sending police to the same areas over and over again. This creates a cycle of over-policing, further criminalizing marginalized communities while ignoring others.

\ In healthcare, AI is used to predict patient outcomes and recommend treatments. However, studies have shown that AI systems can sometimes fail to account for racial and socio-economic disparities, resulting in unequal treatment recommendations. For instance, one AI system used in U.S. hospitals was found to recommend less aggressive care for Black patients with chronic illnesses compared to white patients with similar health issues.

\ These are not isolated incidents. The biases embedded in AI have the potential to impact millions of lives, often without people even realizing it.

Why Does AI Get It Wrong?

The question is, why do these intelligent systems, hailed as the future of technology, get it so wrong?

\ It all comes back to the data. AI learns from the data it is given, and if that data reflects biased human decisions, the AI will inevitably replicate and magnify those biases. For example, if a company's hiring data over the past decade shows a pattern of hiring more men for leadership positions, AI will learn that men are more likely to be selected for such roles, even if women are equally qualified.

Additionally, many AI systems operate in a “black box,” meaning their decision-making processes are not fully understood by their creators. This lack of transparency makes it difficult to pinpoint where bias creeps in and how to correct it.

Can AI Be Fixed?

Addressing bias in AI is one of the most pressing ethical challenges of our time. But can we truly fix it?

\ One solution is to ensure that AI systems are trained on diverse and representative data. By including data from a variety of sources and ensuring that underrepresented groups are adequately represented, we can reduce the risk of biased outcomes. However, this is easier said than done. Many industries do not have access to unbiased data, and collecting new, fair data can be expensive and time-consuming.

Another approach is to develop algorithms that can detect and mitigate bias within the AI system itself. For example, researchers are working on ways to “debias” AI systems by flagging and correcting biased patterns in real-time. These tools can help ensure that AI systems make fairer decisions, but they are still in the early stages of development.

\ Lastly, companies and governments need to implement strict regulations around AI use, particularly in sensitive areas like hiring, healthcare, and law enforcement. Transparency and accountability should be mandatory, ensuring that AI systems can be audited and that decisions can be explained and challenged.

The Role of Human Oversight

No matter how advanced AI becomes, human oversight will always be critical. AI should be seen as a tool to assist humans, not replace them entirely. In industries like healthcare, criminal justice, and hiring, there must be human review of AI-generated decisions to ensure fairness and accuracy.

\ Moreover, AI developers and companies need to take responsibility for the systems they create. Ethical AI design must become a priority, with diversity and fairness built into the algorithms from the ground up.


Here are a few notable examples and studies that demonstrate how AI bias manifests in different fields
  1. Amazon’s AI Hiring Tool In 2018, it was revealed that Amazon had to scrap an AI-based recruitment tool that showed bias against women. The system was trained on resumes submitted to the company over a 10-year period, most of which came from men, particularly in technical roles. As a result, the algorithm penalized resumes that included words like "women" or names of women’s colleges. This incident highlighted the risk of biased training data perpetuating gender discrimination.

:::info Source:



  1. COMPAS: Bias in Criminal Sentencing Algorithms

    One of the most cited examples of AI bias is the COMPAS (Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions) algorithm used in U.S. courts. This tool was designed to predict recidivism (the likelihood of a criminal reoffending) and assist in sentencing. However, an investigation by ProPublica in 2016 found that the system was biased against Black defendants. The analysis revealed that Black defendants were more likely to be incorrectly judged as high-risk for reoffending, while white defendants were more often incorrectly labeled as low-risk.

:::info Source:



  1. Facial Recognition Bias

    Several studies have shown that AI facial recognition systems have a higher error rate for people with darker skin tones. A notable 2018 study from MIT Media Lab found that facial recognition software from companies like Microsoft, IBM, and Face++ had a much higher error rate for dark-skinned individuals, particularly women. The system was nearly perfect at identifying light-skinned men but had an error rate of over 30% for dark-skinned women. This bias has serious implications, particularly in law enforcement, where facial recognition technology is increasingly used for surveillance and identification purposes. Misidentifications can lead to false arrests and reinforce racial biases in policing.

:::info Source: MIT Media Lab study on facial recognition bias



  1. Google’s Search Algorithm Bias

    A study from Northeastern University and the University of Southern California discovered gender bias in Google’s job advertisement algorithms. The research found that male users were more likely to be shown ads for high-paying executive jobs compared to female users, even when controlling for factors like search history. This case highlights how seemingly neutral AI-driven ad systems can perpetuate societal inequalities.

:::info Source: Study on Google’s ad algorithms and gender bias



  1. Apple Card: Allegations of Gender Bias

    In 2019, Apple’s credit card, managed by Goldman Sachs, came under scrutiny when prominent tech entrepreneur David Heinemeier Hansson tweeted that his wife had received a much lower credit limit than him, despite having a better credit score. Many others shared similar experiences, raising questions about whether the algorithm used to determine credit limits was biased against women. Goldman Sachs denied any gender bias, but the incident led to a formal investigation by the New York Department of Financial Services.

:::info Source: BBC News report on Apple Card gender bias controversy



  1. Healthcare Algorithms and Racial Bias

    A 2019 study published in Science found that an AI algorithm widely used in U.S. hospitals exhibited racial bias. The system was designed to prioritize healthcare resources to patients with the greatest needs, but it was found to significantly underrepresent Black patients. The algorithm relied heavily on healthcare costs, leading to biased outcomes, as Black patients often receive less medical care due to systemic inequities in access.

:::info Source: Science study on racial bias in healthcare algorithms




AI bias is not merely a technical problem but also a societal one. As AI systems increasingly influence critical decisions—hiring, criminal sentencing, healthcare, and more—it is essential to address the underlying issues of bias. These cases and studies show that AI models, no matter how advanced, can reflect and perpetuate human prejudices if not carefully monitored and corrected.

Solutions to these problems include better data collection practices, transparent AI models, and ethical frameworks for AI development. Addressing bias requires not just technical fixes but also societal changes that prioritize fairness, equity, and accountability in AI systems.