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5 Best BitMEX Crypto Signals

DATE POSTED:March 10, 2025

BitMEX is very popular among advanced traders as they are more comfortable with higher risks. But, unfortunately, there are not many BitMEX signals providers available in the market that are trustworthy. Hence, this guide will take you along some of the Best BitMEX Crypto Signals that anyone can vouch for.

  • BitMEX is a crypto exchange and derivative trading platform. 
  • CoinCodeCap provides you with an opportunity to trade and get high results without any hustle of trading charts.
  • Verified Crypto Traders are known for their Platinum YT videos that their veteran trader provides. 
  • Universal Crypto Signals falls under the most trusted and most accurate crypto signals service provider. 
  • Crypto Quality Signals helps you gain most of the trading experience by offering you multiple bots and platforms. 
  • Fat Pig Signals is a crypto trading Telegram group with significant experience in trading.
What is BitMEX?

BitMEX is the world’s most advanced peer-to-peer crypto trading platform and stands for Bitcoin Mercantile Exchange. It has been running in the market since 2014. The platform allows its traders to deal with crypto and future margin trading with a leverage of their choice. 

To know more read our BitMEX Review.

Visit BitMEX Best Bitmex Crypto Trading SignalsBest Bitmex Crypto Signals How does BitMEX trading work?

Traders use this platform to open a position where they think the price will profit if the trade succeeds. Unlike other platforms, long trade in BitMEX has to get closed; otherwise, the position will remain open forever, and your equity would be stuck in the trade. If you’re from the USA and cannot use BitMEX, read our article on How to use BitMEX in the USA?

1st Best BitMEX Crypto Signals: CoinCodeCap

CoinCodeCap makes its signals available to all its traders through the CoinCodeCap Classic telegram channel. As compared to other signals providers, it is newer in the crypto market. CoinCodeCap is backed up by Coinmonks, which is a non-profit educational platform that provides articles on cryptocurrency. Our platform has a team of traders experienced in the crypto market. These traders help you with crypto trading advice, discussions and provide you with accurate crypto signals. Furthermore, we provide daily crypto news, Technical analysis through YouTube, and guides for trading (like one below)

Visit CoinCodeCap CoinCodeCap: Features
  • We provide our traders with effective stop-loss and take-profit strategies.
  • Our platform monitors trading pairs 24*7 and provides trades with charts and explanations of crypto trends.
  • All our signals are provided to you using telegram so that as soon as there is a market opportunity, you can follow them.
  • To automate your trade, we also provide you with an option of a trading bot, i.e., Cornix bot.
  • Our analysts always keep a check on all potential market opportunities.
  • There is a one-time payment of a subscription fee.
  • We also provide technical analysis through YouTube videos.
Coincodecap NFT Signals

The NFT signals are capable of identifying the most profitable flips, tracking the hottest trending NFTs, and alike, and then acting upon those findings. We want to help our members to become very profitable traders by providing them with NFT trading signals. Further, we select the right NFT sets for you. The only thing you have to do is follow our trade signals.

5 Best BitMEX Crypto Signals Visit CoinCodeCap CoinCodeCap: Pros and Cons 2nd Best BitMEX Crypto Signals: Verified Crypto Traders

Verified Crypto Traders is one of the oldest crypto trading signals providers and stepped into the market in 2018. This signal provider is the only provider to get registered within the legal framework in the Netherlands. Experienced skilled trader from Netherlands, India, the USA, and Poland make up their team. They also have their Verified Crypto Traders telegram channel where they post all crypto signals.

Visit Verified Crypto Traders Verified Crypto TradersBest BitMEX Crypto Signals: Verified Crypto Traders Verified Crypto Traders: Features
  • The platform is mainly known for its Platinum club videos which their veteran traders provide.
  • They have a free as well as a VIP cannel service.
  • There is dedicated VIP channels for Scalp and Swing trading.
  • Verified Crypto Traders allow traders to trade automatically into their exchange’s account using the automated trading bots.
  • They have a separate channel where they post the results of signals.
  • The platform provides its traders with a member chat to discuss crypto news and trades.
Verified Crypto Traders FeaturesVerified Crypto Traders Features Verified Crypto Traders: Pros and Cons 3rd Best BitMEX Crypto Signals: Universal Crypto Signals

Another top crypto signals provider is Universal Crypto Signals. The service was established in 2018 and is relatively young compared to other signals in the cryptocurrency market. However, their technical analysts provide regular trade signals to their customers each month.

Visit Universal Crypto Signals Universal crypto signalsBest Bitmex Crypto Signals: Universal crypto signals Universal Crypto Signals: Features
  • The service covers three of the most popular crypto exchanges: Binance signals, Bittrex signals, and BitMEX signals. 
  • Universal crypto signals telegram group provide signals that are usually short and long-term. Furthermore, they also offer daily market and Bitcoin price updates.
  • The platform offers its traders a trollbox where they can discuss their trades and ideas. Here traders can get all their answers and support from the platform’s premium clients and admins.  
  • Universal crypto signals are always ready to help their traders with their excellent customer support. They guide them along through all their queries regarding trade.
  • Moreover, the platform also provides its traders with an auto-trading bot. This helps them automate their trade and work round the clock. 
5 Best BitMEX Crypto SignalsUniversal Crypto Signals Universal Crypto Signals: Pros and Cons 4th Best BitMEX Crypto Signals: Crypto Quality Signals

Crypto quality signals are a crypto signals provider that helps traders by providing signals on several Spot and Margin/Future exchanges. In addition, the platform has its Telegram channel, where they post signals and updates related to the crypto market. In addition to a telegram channel, they also have a Discord server and a website. Their signals are proved to be profitable, according to their daily reports. Moreover, the platform provides its traders with free and premium crypto signals. 

Visit Crypto Quality Signals Crypto Quality SignalsBest Bitmex Crypto Signals: Crypto Quality Signals Crypto Quality Signals: Features
  • The platform offers two premium packages, i.e., CQS Premium Gold and CQS Premium Silver.
  • Crypto Quality Signals also offers options for scalping traders. 
  • Their platform can be used for manual trading on supported exchanges, but you can also use auto-trading bots and platforms to enhance your trading experience. 
  • To provide their customers with high-quality indicators, analysis, and bots, they have teamed up with Vertical Traders. 
  • Moreover, they provide their traders with new, automated alerts and personal advice. 
  • Crypto quality signals offer you daily short, mid-term signals, technical analysis, and much more.
  • Furthermore, they also provide you with personal support, and bot integration. 
5 Best BitMEX Crypto SignalsCrypto Quality Signals Features Crypto Quality Signals: Pros and Cons 5th Best BitMEX Crypto Signals: Fat Pig Signals 

Fat Pig Signals is one of the most popular telegram groups that offer Bitcoin trading signals and many other significant currencies. They have a crack team of professional traders who send you crypto signals on daily basis. This is your chance to trade like a professional trader in cryptocurrencies without spending all day in front of charts. 

Visit Fat Pig Signals  Fat Pig SignalsBest Bitmex Crypto Signals: Fat Pig Signals Fat Pig Signals: Features
  • The platform provides its traders with a free and a reserved Telegram group that is for VIPs. 
  • On one side, where the free channel only provides its traders with market updates and a select few signals, the VIP channel offers them a more personalized service. 
  • Signals provided to VIP channels are thoroughly analyzed with various technical indicators.
  • Fat pig signals offer customer support over the world and is open 24*7. This is a big bonus for experienced and novice traders. 
  • You will receive the fattest signals every morning via Fat Pig Signals telegram channel. 
  • There is portfolio management for both medium and long-term exchanges.
Fat Pig Signals featuresFat Pig Signals features Fat Pig Signals: Pros and Cons Conclusion

BitMEX is an exchange that is famous for perpetual contracts but only makes use of bitcoins to operate. It is one of the oldest trading platforms. This guide has brought upon some of the Best Bitmex Crypto Signals you can trust and start your trading. Furthermore, our in-house crypto signals come with detailed technical analysis through TradingView charts and YouTube videos.

CoinCodeCap Frequently Asked Questions How to long on BitMEX?

To long on BitMEX means that you open a position predicting a rise in the asset’s value. Then, to keep the difference as your profit, you buy the asset at a lower price and then sell it at a price that is much higher. 

How are limit orders used in BitMEX trading?

Limit orders in BitMEX trading are used to specify the price be it minimum or maximum, at which the trader wants to trade.  

How much leverage does BitMEX offer?

The amount of leverage offered by BitMEX is varied from different products. Initial Margin and Maintenance Margin levels determine the leverage. 

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